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Re: Royal Class

On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Sallie Montuori <foxdale@widomaker.com> wrote:

>Oh, sincee that would take all day anyway (and possibly half the night!), 
>just go ahead and make a whole royalty track!
>(OW!, she says, as her tongue goes right _through_ her cheek!)
  As I said, I have seen enough large egos in SF/F con panels to think that one 
ought to be able to have an informative track in say 2 hours with 4 panelists. 
One ought to expect the panelists to be adult enough to (1) get together before 
hand and coordiante topics (yes, this rarely happens in Fandom, but Programing 
tries to encourage it) and (2) play nicely together.

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