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Re: Royal Class

Very good points!!  Henry, everybody, I take it back!

Alys of Foxdale

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Wynn Klosky wrote:

> Greetings to all gathered about the stalls of Cheapside and
> those clustered inside the unnatural dark of the Merry Rose ;^)
> from Branwynn Ottersby!
> I've been following this thread with more than a little contemplation,
> and I have finally come to the conclusion that even if such a
> class were offered, I would never attend, despite my earnest
> desire to someday reign by my own or by my lord's hand.
> An entire track of courses like this one would not be a "royal"
> track by any means; it would be a "no Scheisse" track -- I
> could also see included "What it's like to fight at Pennsic,"
> "What it's like to be a Pelican," "What it's like to enter an
> A&S competition for the first time (from the entrant's point
> of view, natch), " "What it's like to be a waterbearer" ...
> you get the idea.
> "What it's like" tales are best told around the fire, in your
> living room, blah, blah, where you know before you begin exactly
> who your audience is gonna be and where they have the option
> of interrupting and one-upping you without stigma. :^)
> Even if the class was taught as "How to be a Sovereign like Me (as
> taught by Duke/Duchess/Earl Thumbwrack," so that it was clear it
> was one person's opinion of actual constructive method, I'm not 
> certain that I would go there either.
> Now, I'm not saying that I have the hubris to think that I know
> all about being Sovereign, but I do have my own ideas. And what
> I don't think I have a clue about, I will go to the people whose reigns
> I have admired for advice. And even if one of them is Duke/Duchess/
> Earl Thumbwrack, it's likely that s/he would not include the really
> controversial and juicy bits of the reign from which I seek to 
> learn the most in front of a class full of strangers (but they
> just might be willing to teach me how to handle in the privacy of
> their living rooms).
> (I'm also not saying that I don't have any hubris at all... ;^)
> branwynn ottersby
> "Hubris-free in 2003!" (heh :^)
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