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Re: Stierbach Water

I will point out that additives have been theorized to mitigate the 
effects of Stierbach Water; i.e. tea, lemonade, Stierbach Stew, and the 
like just do not seem to do the trick!

Alys of Foxdale

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Dave Montuori wrote:

> [ACHTUNG: this post is strewn with invisible smileys. You have been warned.]
> Okay. My tag line often says:
> >Support the Great Atlantian Breeding Program (tm) - Drink Stierbach Water
> So what does Stierbach Water have to do with breeding? you might ask.
> Offline conversations have prompted me to post this as a public service.
> We have a sign that says "WARNING: The Chirurgeon Marshal has determined
> that drinking Stierbach Water may enhance fertility." Or something to
> that effect. About two years ago we noticed the unusually high rate of
> births among both Stierbachers and attendees of our events. Of course,
> there must be some common thread connecting these incidents. Aha - it's
> the water!
> Going back through old records we saw that the efficacy of Stierbach
> Water had been noticed since the beginnings of the Shire. Imbibing it
> has a marked positive influence on the imbiber's fertility. However,
> I will note that the effect is Multiplicative -- e.g., doubling a zero
> fertility leaves you still at zero. Thus those who are barren, or
> completely past childbearing years, will not show any discernable
> effects.
> Recent Stierbach Water-related children include (but are not limited to)
> Anne and Pascal's pair, Beonne & David's two girls, Brocc and Miriam's
> daughter (and one in the oven), Anneke's niece, and Alaric's child due
> in Sept.
> I should also state for the record that Stierbach Water and the Stierbach
> Blessing are two distinct and separate agents, though their effects are
> the same. The Stierbach Blessing only affects the Seneschal or those
> expressing an interest in that office. Stierbach Water affects everybody.
> Evan da Collaureo, herald for Stierbach (among other things)
> dmontuor@telenet.com
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Sallie Montuori

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