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RE: Simple

Actually His Grace is too modest. I was one of the many princes (and/or   
princesses) to whom Gyrth gave advice. There is no way that one can be   
prepared for all incidents. But he gave us enough basic advice that we   
had a clue how to proceed in most cases. With his advice, I merely burned   
out. (That's what happens when an introvert takes on the job of Chief   
Extrovert.) Without his advice, I could have botched enough that "the   
populace" would have had a generally bad time.

But he is right. It is an astonishingly difficult task. But the rewards   
are equally astonishing. It is amazing how easily the King or Queen can   
make someone's decade. With just a simple gesture in the right place.

"Once a Knight always a Knight, but once a King is enough."

From:  owner-atlantia[SMTP:owner-atlantia@adm.csc.ncsu.edu]
Sent:  Sun 21 Apr 96 05:59
To:  sfcallic; atlantia
Subject:  Re: Simple

Most noble custom of the Merry Rose,
It is very good for those who fight (or are fought for) in a Crown   
Tourney to
think what might happen should they become king or queen.  I was first   
many years ago (4/1/78)  and I had spent a GREAT deal of time pondering   
planning.  I had known many kings and queens and had seen the world from   
near the thrones.  I was clueless!  It is a unique experience and unique   
each new king or queen.

In the 18 years since, I have tried to offer assistance to many princes   
princesses; I have never summoned the words to prepare them for the task   
hand.  Oh, how I've tried and will continue, but it is an astonishingly
difficult task.


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