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Pavillions and stuff

        Unto all who read my net-ramblings do I Connor say "Hiya!"
Since the time of Pennsic is rolloing around it seems appropriate to ask for
answers concerning pavillions...The barony of Black Diamond has decided to
find the most economical way of acquiring a good pavillion to be used for
some of our events...

What we are looking for is a fairly large, waterproof structure (30' x 30'
has been one of the key dimensions tossed around) with walls that can be :
a)rolled up  b)tied to the sides  c)just taken completely off.  There is
much deliberation as to which material should be used to construct it.
Canvas  is something we are looking to avoid, due to its maintenance needs
and ability to roast a chicken on a warm day.  Nylon,  too, is another that
can become extremely warm but it also retains the ability to fly like a kite.  

So  I ask you, those who have grandios pavillions, those that are looking to
acquire ones, those who have already doe much of the hard work and can shed
some light on our quest to make it a wee bit more simple on those who are
starting from the very beginning.  We have a few names/numbers of some
manufacturers  but no matter how many we have there are others out there
that you have.  The more information we have the better off we are.

One material that has been suggested is something called "cordon"?  I am not
sure of its exact characteristics, but you just may... 

I thank you all even before you respond (don't worry you will also receive
gratitude afterwards as well)

In service to those who ask, and deserve---

-Lord Connor Levingstoune---friend of the fun-loving, furry, four-footed ferrets

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