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Re: Pavillions and stuff

On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Troy Herring wrote:

>         Unto all who read my net-ramblings do I Connor say "Hiya!"
> Since the time of Pennsic is rolloing around it seems appropriate to ask for
> answers concerning pavillions...The barony of Black Diamond has decided to
> find the most economical way of acquiring a good pavillion to be used for
> some of our events...

just a warning

many of the pavilions currently in use roast beacause of air flow/or lack 

many of the period pavilions and painting of them have what look like 
horizontal chimneys jutting out which let the air out and keep the sun 
and rain out also

another design which I saw theorized (modernly) involved an L shaped  rod 
on a swivel atop the roof beam 
as a rope at the bottom of the pole was drawn down it forcerd this rod up 
and allowed the tent to open it could then be released and be rain tight


                     |  =                              /                     
                     |  =                             /
                     |  =                            /
                     |  =                           /
                     |  =                          /
                     |  =                         /
                     |  =                \       /
                     |  =                 \     /
                     |+++()                \   /
                        = +                 \ /
                        = +                  \
                        = +                   \
                        = +                    \
                        = +                     \ 
                        = +

= represent the vertical poles
+ represent rope
()represent the pulley
0 represents the hinge for the bar
/ and \ represent canvas outline (roughly) there is only a triangle at 
        the top missing from a standard pavilion

as I said this was theorized
the technology is period but I am not sure if this application is

just a thought


There can be only juan!
                         <100% columbian coffee> 
Eric Jon Campbell Sr Textile Engineering at NCSU
(alias) Xavier Campbell amateur blacksmith and brewer

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