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Barony of the Western Seas (long)
I've been seeing a lot of messages about baronial tournament in Western
Seas, and where Western Seas is exactly.
I have here a copy of the April CROWN PRINTS, the kingdom publication in
Caid. It sez:
I believe that means it's *just* Hawaii. Now, Japanese SCA may play with
Western Seas, as may Guam SCA, but I don't know. The Baron and Baroness
are in Hawaii, the seneschal is in Hawaii, the chatelaine is in Hawaii,
baronial council meetings are held in Hawaii, the chronicler is in
Hawaii, fight practice is in Hawaii, and heralds meetings are in Hawaii also.
The Palatine Barony of the Far West is a part of the Westrealm and it
includes Japan, may also include Guam, dunno.
It says in the CROWN PRINTS that "Western Seas is a Palatine Barony.
Baronial Cornet [sic] Tournament is held each February and August."
In the February 1996 issue, there is an advertisement for the Western
Seas Baronial Tourney (February 23-25, 1996). It reads as follows:
Greetings to one and all! It is that time of year when the
Twelfth Night Celebrations are near, when the Yule log is burning
bright, and more importantly, the Estrella carnage is almost upon
us! Now that the party mood has once again settled its peaceful
(?) cloak on our fair barony, it is time for us to ask the
fundamental question: "Oh, when will it all end?"
Yes, it is once again that time of the year when we plan for
the peaceful replacement of the Baronial authority.
This year's Arts and Sciences Baronial will occur on the
weekend of February 23 at the Bellows Military installation (1200
Kalanianaole Hwy., Waimanalo, HI 96795). The actual competition
date is Saturday, February 24, with the installation of the
victorious new Baron and Baroness on Sunday, February 25.
The competition is shaping up to be one of the better ones in
quite some time, with Lady Honoria acting as the director of the
competition (She Who Must Be Obeyed). The populace is invited to
join the rest of the curious spectators with their favorite
period board games. There will also be an open eric [that's
Caidan for "list field"] for those who have interests that are
more martial. This could include light weapons and fencing as
well. If none of this finds favor with you, we hope that you
plan on coming to this event anyway, just to take a gander at
all the loot brought back from Estrella!
Set up time is after 4:00 PM Friday, February 23, and the site
must be cleared by 3:00 PM Sunday, February 25. The site fee is
$2.00 for members and $5.00 for nonmembers. [Caidan site fees
are much lower than Atlantian site fees, generally speaking.
Also, this was back when there was still a non-member surcharge.]
Make checks payable to SCA Inc. Barony of the Western Seas.
Also, the site is wet (Hooray, Yay, Whoopee!!)
To reach the site, just get on the Pali Hwy. going to the
windward side of the island. Turn left onto Kalanianaole Hwy.
Turn left onto Tinker Rd. Drive until you reach the guard shack
and answer all the questions asked by the nice man with the big,
shiny gun (it is after all, a military installation). We are
located at group site 2 and 3.
The Autocrats for this grand event are the current Baron and
Baroness, Valeran and Emrys (Jake Hudson and Deb Lamb). Any
questions or comments, don't hesitate to bug the Baroness' Guard
or one of Valeran's squires (if you can find one).
I can try to look for an August CROWN PRINTS for information on the
autumn Baronial Tournament in Western Seas, if anyone's interested.
Yours in Service to the Dream,
Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal
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- References:
- Re: Crowns
- From: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>