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Re: Barony of the Western Seas
Giovan wrote:
> You know, this is wonderful. Here we are in Atlantia, talking about
> the customs and lifestyles of a strange people in a foreign part of
> the globe, quoting mutually contradictory authorities at one another
> and recounting stories that grow more baroque by the episode. All
> we need now is someone who believes the Western Seas is actually
> the stronghold of Prester John...
You mean it's not. But that's where I thought he took the Ark of the
Covenant for safe keeping.
In service,
Corun MacAnndra | If you see something this big, with eight legs, coming
Dark Horde by birth | toward you, let me know. I have to kill it before it
Moritu by choice | develops language skills. -- L. Mollari
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