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Re: newbie! sick them dogs of war on me

     That is one thing I learned from the Road trip I could not get a 
word in edgewise in the car too much SCA talk. All the way home.

Oh well I am interested in alot.... hee heee
I have to be not so shy and ask people things I really like watching 
though and learning new stuff.

Your interested in Period dental hygene??  hee heee

Robert Montague
> One thing Deirdre forgot to mention is this...  SCAdians love to talk :)
> If you are at an event and see someone doing something you are interested 
> in, or are confusded about something, just ask that person.  You will be 
> overwhelme with information, and chances are, you won't be able to get 
> them to shut-up ;)
> (Someone else who is interested in period dental hygenie!  I better hang 
> on to them while I have the chance!)
> Aye,
> Eogan
> On Wed, 24 Apr 1996 Charlenn@aol.com wrote:
> > In a message dated 96-04-23 21:03:09 EDT, pboykin@averett.gamewood.net (Pete)
> > writes:
> > 
> > >     Greetings M'Lords and M'Ladys,
> > >
> > >          Ok, I am a newbie and just got the info about this list 
> > >please no one flame me for not being educated more aout the SCA.
> > 
> > I wouldn't dream of it. Actually, your post made me smile as I remembered my
> > first event...also a Coronation. I felt totally out of place and didn't
> > understand half of what was going on. Just when I had decided that I wouldn't
> > come back, I got the opportunity of listening to a brand new Laurel, Master
> > James, tell stories. I realized then that there was something worth coming
> > back for. A magic moment for me.
> > 
> > I then started helping in the kitchen (a great way to get to know people) and
> > listening to the advice of people who had been in the Society for a while. It
> > wasn't long before I began to feel more comfortable. Welcome to a great
> > hobby!
> > 
> > -Deirdre
> > 
> > 
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"It's never wise to mess with a computer wizard, 
you might get you drive zaped"

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