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Coronation lost and found
From: "Robert Monatgue (Pete)" <pboykin@averett.gamewood.net>
To: "Norman C. Flessas" <74226.460@CompuSer,
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 01:15:49 +0000
Subject: Re: Coronation - lost and found
Your very welcome, yes it was jsut sitting there, had you left
already are were you there? I am glad you found it, your welcome glad
to be of service. I really did enjoy the day. :)
Robert Montague
> Date: 24 Apr 96 10:32:36 EDT
> From: "Norman C. Flessas" <74226.460@CompuServe.COM>
> To: "Robert Montague (Pete)" <pboykin@averett.gamewood.net>
> Subject: Re: Coronation - lost and found
> Thanks Pete -
> I did get it, and I'm glad I did. IT WAS MINE.
> I read your message to the merry rose. I'm glad you enjoyed the day.
> Johanna
Pete's Wonder Page
"It's never wise to mess with a computer wizard,
you might get you drive zaped"
Pete's Wonder Page
"It's never wise to mess with a computer wizard,
you might get you drive zaped"
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