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Re: Pretense

> > > Then they invited in their cousins the Prince and Princess of the
> > > Midrealm.  His Highness entered wearing quarterly East and Midrealm, with
> > > a label, arms of pretense announcing his claim to the Eastern throne as
> > > the legitimate desendent of Duke Cariadoc (the guy who invented Pennsic
> > > by declaring war, as King of the East, over a letter HE wrote as King of
> > > the Middle).
> > 
> I believe His Highness was wearing them on a surcoat or other heraldic 
> clothing.  The East is senior to the Middle, so naturally it has pride of 
> place, even His Highness would not dispute that.  I do not know what the 
> East's response to this is, or what will be their response to hearing 
> that Atlantia fights for the Middle this year.

He had a Coathardie (sp?) made with the Arms of the East and the 
Middle quartered a la Henry V.  At East Realm Coronation (the week before 
ours) he delivered the challenge described above wearing the same garb.

The East (or, at least, their Royalty) already knew we were going to fight 
with the Middle at Pennsic.  At Gulf Wars we (the Princes of the East, 
Middle, Atlantia, Trimaris, and Meridies) sat down and shamelessly planned 
out the whole thing.  Some of the goals for this year's Pennsic are: 
more fun, more pomp, and *even* sides.

> And did we really win Pointless??

Ahh, the whole idea with Pointless is that after it is over noone really 
knows or cares who "won".  This keeps tempers down and everyone casual 
about the whole thing.  Pointless was really conceived as an inter-kingdom 
war practice since the East and Atlantia usually fight together at 

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