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Re: Knight of the Heart
Lady Johanna wrote:
>Greetings all -
>I was unable to make it to Lochmere (don't you hate it when the real world
>interfers with the SCA?)
>Can anyone tell me what all went on?
It was a breezy, cool but sunny day. The hawks were wheeling in the sky
(amidst the occasionl squad of Army helicopters). The list field was set up
for pas d'armes and the challenges were running fast and furious. Many brave
challenges were made and fair and fierce the words. Lady Suzanna Grey even
gave one challenge in French, and sang the praises of her knight, Baron
Corby, as he fought bravely.
There were several contestants who won silver coins from the Holy Land,
among them Storvik's own Oswulf the Grey. The grand prize was won by a
fellow of German persona, and I apologize but I simply can't recall his
name. I do, however, recall that the prize, a lovely X chair of cherry wood,
handcrafted by Alvaro, Reynard and Rorik, was given not so much for skill on
the field, but for honourable comportment. Baron Alvaro had his work cut out
for him in choosing one contestant over another, as all the contestants were
quite honourable in their actions.
Their Majesties, Galmr and Katherina, held a short court (to vivats for
short courts), and then Baron Alvaro and Baroness Inez held Baronial court.
They gave out the prizes and some thank yous to many people, and then,
sadly, they stepped down as Baron and Baroness of Lochmere, asking Their
Majesties to release them from their oaths of fealty. Their Majesties did
this, and then elevated them to Barons of the Court. Then Their Majesties
called forth Reynard and Dianna of Lochmere and appointed them, at the
behest of the people of Lochmere, as the new Baron and Baroness of Lochmere.
They then took the thrones and held an even shorter court (they didn't want
to hold one at all, but we weren't going to let them off that easily ;-).
After that we all sat down to a wonderful feast pleasant company.
All in all, Knight of the Heart once again lived up to its reputation as a
magic event. Vivat for Baron Alvaro and Baroness Inez for having grown
Lochmere so well in the past several years, and for setting such a fine
example for us all. Vivat for Baron Reynard and Baroness Dianna for assuming
the coronets of Lochmere. May their reign be full of joy.
In service,
Corun MacAnndra
Baron Storvik
Corun MacAnndra | If you see something this big, with eight legs, coming
Dark Horde by birth | toward you, let me know. I have to kill it before it
Moritu by choice | develops language skills. -- L. Mollari
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