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Highland River Melees

Greetings unto the gentles at the Merry Rose, and also to the rest of you;

I have made a mistake which I hope you do not mind me advertising publically.
In the event announcement for the Highland River Melees, I refer to the
A & S competition/exhibition of works in progress.  That would be fine, except, 
there will be NO competition.  Please bring works in progress though, as this
event is also partly demo for the locals.  Last year we had a video new crew andnewspaper coverage.  So please come, bring your A&S, just forgive this humble
servent his exhuberence.

Many years, fighters will come, fight, and ride off into the sunset.  This is 
fine, if that is their wish; however, they miss what has been a wonderful feast
by doing so.  This year the feast will be handled by Baron Argent (Silver).

We hope to see many of this crowd there;
          Gordon the Righteous, autocrat   (aka Mustafa)
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