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Re: Storvik's Baronial Championship event
> Stone Soup...a rather charming folk tale of a pair of dashing rouges who come
> into a town and convince the townsfolk to feed them by promising to cook them
> a pot of wonderful stone soup. The two men get busy, putting a cauldron full
> of water on to boil. When this pot of plain water is bubbling, one man says
> to the other, "You know, this soup is going to be so tasty! But, wouldn't it
> be better still if we had a beef bone or two?" The other gentle agrees
> solemnly, and one of the women pipes up, "Why, I have three bones left from a
> roast! I'll go get them!" And then they have the inspired idea to add a
> carrot or two...and so, on and on, until the whole town has brought some
> small tidbit to add to the pot. After the soup is done, they all fall to and
> feast together "as merry as the day is long". The Moral (if there is one)
> being everyone pitching in together works out better than each working alone.
Hmmm, the version I familar with has a begger being turned down by an old
lady, so he tells her he has a magic stone and will make her soup 'fit for
a king', then goes thru the same process above, and, in the end, the woman
agrees that it is fit for a king. I think there are also variants with bone
soup and nail soup, but stone is the one I know.
-Virgil Aldenson of Lonewood
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