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Re: Storvik's Baronial Championship event

Stone Soup...a rather charming folk tale of a pair of dashing rouges who come
into a town and convince the townsfolk to feed them by promising to cook them
a pot of wonderful stone soup.  The two men get busy, putting a cauldron full
of water on to boil.  When this pot of plain water is bubbling, one man says
to the other, "You know, this soup is going to be so tasty!  But, wouldn't it
be better still if we had a beef bone or two?"  The other gentle agrees
solemnly, and one of the women pipes up, "Why, I have three bones left from a
roast!  I'll go get them!"  And then they have the inspired idea to add a
carrot or two...and so, on and on, until the whole town has brought some
small tidbit to add to the pot.  After the soup is done, they all fall to and
feast together "as merry as the day is long". The Moral (if there is one)
being everyone pitching in together works out better than each working alone.

Or, so it's been told...<g>

Lady Demetria della Stanza
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