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Re: The Virginia Renaissance Faire

Victoria_Martin@fcw.com wrote:
> Greetings all in the Merry Rose!
> I thought I would post a mini-review of this new Faire. I attended (under
> threatening skies) on Sunday, May 5th. My other Renfaire experience includes the
> Maryland Rennaissance Festival and the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.

I was there that day as well, in garb since I was on my way home from Atlantian
Crown Tourney.  Haven't been to PA, been to the MD Fest almost 10 years.

> It was VERY easy getting there, and it wan't crowded at all. (Take Rt. 3 East
> from 95, follow the signs.) Parking was muddy. It was $14 for adults, unless you
> brought the coupon from the Post that gave you one free adult admission for one
> paid adult. I believe some stores in the D.C. area offer reduced price tickets
> in advance. It was much smaller than the MD Festival, which some might
> appreciate. The food was expensive (just like all these things, I suppose), so
> eat before you go.

I agree on the directions.. easy to get to.  Not crowded?  I would say *very*
crowded.  Parking very muddy.  Don't forget they charge $2 per vehicle.

Much smaller than the MD Fest?  By whose measure?  The land size was BIGGER,
more permanent structures.  Food is always expensive.

> The shopping was fair (pun intended) but nothing like the merchant's area at
> Pennsic. The souvenier t-shirts and mugs and crap were of better quality than
> usual. The individual artisans have some nice work, I bought a tiny blown-glass
> bottle of essential oil to wear around my neck. Lots of jewelry, not much in the
> way of swords.

Shopping was fairly decent, only one sword vendor, but there IS a bookstore!

> There also seemed to be a lot of rides for kids, so parents might have a good
> time at the faire.

If I were a parent, I'd be in heaven.  TONS of stuff for the kids.

> jousting was pretty ordinary, and the banter was predictable, but the knights
> were into it, so it was fun. One knight, the "evil" one, was the best actor. He

Jousting has gotten boring at all the faires.  When obstacles and matches of skill
were at the MD RenFest, then it was worth watching.  But for the scripted bash and
sword-hit shows... typical.

> I attended in garb, and that brought the usual mundane question: "Where is the
> bathroom?"

I was also in garb, but only got one comment from a merchant about being
"Little John".  Like these people have never seen a T-tunic; they need to make
'Robin Hood' references...

All in all, average, not worth the price unless you plan on putting energy into
seeing EVERY merchant and EVERY show and then don't expect much.  My group and I
had complimentary tickets and the outing was worth the $2 we hadf to pay to park.

In summary, give it a year or two to grow into its own.  Has more potential than
the MD RenFest.

In service,
|+^+|  Kevin of Thornbury                      
|/+\|  (mka Kevin Maxson)                      
 \_/   kevin@maxson.com   http://sca.maxson.com
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