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Re: The Virginia Renaissance Faire

Well, here's my review.  I will say that my view of the faire is a little tainted as I worked the MD faire for 5 yrs starting at the age of 16.  I think it will grow into a very nice faire as soon as the company that owns it realizes that out here (it's a CA company) we pay our towns people.  All of the acts that my friends and I saw were entertaining, the MUD SHOW being the best.  The food was pretty good, though small in portion.  The beer and mead also good but expensive and unlike MD(I think) you couldn't walk around with your drink.  I remember doing that when I worked there.  Never been there as a patron, though.  I ran into a couple of Pennsic merchants who cut me a deal cause I was SCA, pretty cool, hunh?  The participants who were in garb had spiff-looking stuff, drool factor 10.  My biggest complaint being no townspeople running around interacting with the customers.  I think if shows the company that there is a market than it will grow into a nice faire.  I sure d!
o hate driving 3 hrs to the MD f
aire and now I don't have to anymore.
Just my 2 cents worth.

"There's too much to see waiting in front of me, I know that I just can't go wrong."
		Jimmy Buffet
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