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RE: Virginia Renaissance Fair

The poster who gave the review of the Virginia Ren Fair (sorry, I deleted
your post before I decided to respond) wrote words to this effect:

> I attended in garb, and got the mundane question "where are the
> bathrooms?"

When I attend the Maryland Ren Fair (in garb) and get this question, I
usually point off in the direction I'm heading AWAY from and give
complicated instructions that lead nowhere! :-)

I'm kidding, actually, but I HAVE been tempted!

I have a friend who used to work at the Ren Fair, and she related this
story to me:

She was on a break and waiting in line for the porta-castle near the booth.
She was standing behind two LOL's (Little Old Ladies) who apparently had
never been in a temporary toilet before.  The first eventually got to the
head of the line and took her turn.  As she left the necessary, her
companion asked "Well, how was it?"

"Not too bad.  There's even a little shelf mounted to the wall to hold your

My friend restrained herself from falling over laughing.

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