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Re: The Virginia Renaissance Faire

> > I thought I would post a mini-review of this new Faire. I attended (under
> > threatening skies) on Sunday, May 5th. [...]

> I was there that day as well, in garb since I was on my way home from
> Atlantian Crown Tourney. [...]

> > I attended in garb, and that brought the usual mundane question:
> > "Where is the bathroom?"

> I was also in garb, but only got one comment from a merchant about being
> "Little John".  Like these people have never seen a T-tunic; they need to
> make 'Robin Hood' references...

Are you sure that the merchant didn't mention "Little John" as part
of an attempt to ask the usual mundane question "forsoothly"?

-- Alfredo
(Whose Latin-English dictionary translates "mundus" as "toilet gear; universe,
world, heavens; mankind", explaining the phrase "the usual mundane question.")

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
Carpe dulcem diem -- Seize a nice day.
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