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Re: Does this mean anything?
Dear Sib,
"Stolz" is the German noun for "pride" -- it is easy to see how
it could be misspelled "Stoltz" as that is the way it is actually
pronounced. "Wind" is wind (ooh, how tough can this be? ;^).
I have not heard this combinative word used in conversation, but I could
easily see it meaning something like "hot air" or "posturing" --
but again, I'm only guessing.
On the other hand, "stolz" is the German adjective for "proud"
or in the case of constructions, "majestic" even... So it might
be an impressive wind, too. Not just a bunch of hot air.
What's the rest of the sentence? Would be easier to gain meaning
from context. I'll e-mail the query to one of the native relatives
for perhaps more clarification...
See ya at The Event!
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