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Re: Does this mean anything?
On Fri, 10 May 1996, Wynn Klosky wrote:
> Dear Sib,
> "Stolz" is the German noun for "pride" -- it is easy to see how
> it could be misspelled "Stoltz" as that is the way it is actually
> pronounced. "Wind" is wind (ooh, how tough can this be? ;^).
> I have not heard this combinative word used in conversation, but I could
> easily see it meaning something like "hot air" or "posturing" --
> but again, I'm only guessing.
> On the other hand, "stolz" is the German adjective for "proud"
> or in the case of constructions, "majestic" even... So it might
> be an impressive wind, too. Not just a bunch of hot air.
> What's the rest of the sentence? Would be easier to gain meaning
> from context. I'll e-mail the query to one of the native relatives
> for perhaps more clarification...
It's... uh... (Looks embarassed) the name of a aniti-gravity air car in
the Japanese anime Silent Mobius...
Which probably explains the slightly incorrect spelling.
Hmm... Majestic Wind... that's a pretty cool name.
* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion *
* Michael Surbrook / susano@access.digex.net *
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