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Re: Does this mean anything?

On Fri, 10 May 1996, Alfredo el Bufon wrote:

> > 	Tschuss,
> > 	Meli
> I've seen this word "Tschuss" here and there, usually with two
> dots over the "u", and with the first "s" in the "ss" writ long
> and crammed up against the second till they look like a "Beta".
> How is it supposed to be pronounced?  I'm wondering if it might
> be connected to a Polish film I once saw where the characters
> seemed to be saying "chess" every time they left a room.
> Could it be that it's not a native German word?

It's a southern German word, pronounced *very roughly* like 'chews' where 
the 's' is pronounced 's' not 'z'.  That thing you say looks 'like a 
"Beta" is called (phonetic here, I don't remember how to spell it!) an
ess-tset.  It essentially is a shorthand for a double 's'.

Being an anal-retentive word-weenie, I will point out that when you 
don't/can't use the umlaut (those two dots over the vowel), you should 
put an 'e' after the vowel, i.e. 'tschuess'.  Although it does usually 
look too weird for words!  Another way to represent it I've seen on the 
net is a colon, but I can't remember whether the convention is to put it 
before or after.  Probably after, as people do the apostrophe to fake an 
accent, i.e. 'tschu:ss'.

There!  That should stir things up nicely!

   Alys of Foxdale      |   Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@widomaker.com   |       argent, a fox passant gules.
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