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Heraldry Question
Unto the denizens of the Merry Rose does James of Westmorland send
I am hoping that someone can help me settle a minor disagreement
concerning some heraldic matters. In a device that I am planning on
submitting the charges are on a red and blue field divided down the
middle, I believe the blazon would probably be "Per pale gules and
| | |
| | |
| red | blue|
| | |
\ | /
\ | /
Anyway, a friend of mine who claims to have heraldic knowledge
says that this is an illegal device and would not pass as it is color on
color. However, I disagree. I remember reading in the Atlantian
Herald's Handbook something to the effect of a division per pale being a
division of the field; therefore not subject to the tincture on
tincture rule as the field is considered divided and the colors not to be
on top of one another. Could some please help settle this minor dispute
(and save me the pain of rejection of my device if I am wrong?) Thanks.
In Service,
___________________ ___________________________________________
| | | James Beckett of Westmorland, Seneschal |
|-----------------| | Incipient College of Marshals' Keep |
| /\ | | Barony of Black Diamond |
| / \ | | Atlantia |
| < > | |-----------------------------------------|
| \ / | | Scott Silvers |
| \/ | | Washington & Lee University |
|-----------------| | Class of '98 |
|_________________| |-----------------------------------------|
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