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Good Gentles -

I copied this from the H-SKAND (Scandinavian History) list.  It may be of
interest to some of you.  Please write to the address below if you have
questions, as I know no more than what's in this message.

        - Anarra


                     CALL FOR PAPERS


                       ANNUAL MEETING

                     RICHMOND, VIRGINIA

                     APRIL 24-26, 1997

    The EBHS welcomes proposals for panels and papers on all aspects of
North American, European, and non-Western economic and business history, all
time periods.

    Please send abstracts of the proposed papers (two page maximum) along
with the names of presenters, positions and affiliations, phone numbers, and
e-mail addresses to the address below.

    Papers presented at the meeting will be considered for publication in
ESSAYS IN ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS HISTORY, the Society's proceedings edited by
Professor William Childs.  Papers published in the Proceedings are eligible
for the Charles J. Kennedy Award of Excellence.

    ATTENTION GRADUATE STUDENTS: a limited number of stipends will be
available to help defray the expenses of graduate students who participate
in the 1997 program.

    The initial deadline for proposals and abstracts is SEPTEMBER 30, 1996.
However, additional proposals will be accepted until JANUARY 7, 1997.

    Send proposals and abstracts to:

                      Michael S. Smith
                      President and Program Chair
                      Economic and Business Historical Society
                      Department of History
                      University of South Carolina
                      Columbia, South Carolina 29208
                      FAX: 803-777-4494
                      e-mail: smithm@garnet.cla.sc.edu
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