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Resuscitating a dead horse

     Here's a thought I had while flipping through the pages of recent 
     discussions on a simple, fair, and NON-POLITICAL way to have as many 
     inter-baronial wars per year as you can possibly stand:
     1. On the morning of (or as soon as possible) the war, determine how 
     many representatives of each barony are present.  Let's take a war 
     between Nottinghill Coill and Sacred Stone as an example.  Needless to 
     say, the majority of representatives from each barony will be from the 
     two local baronies.  Let's say that Nott. Coill is fielding 30 
     fighters, while SStone is fielding 40.
     Let's further surmise that, for instance, Black Diamond manages to 
     drag 12 fighters down the mountain, and Windmaster's Hill brings 10.  
     Normally we'd probably put Windmaster's with Sacred Stone and split 
     Black Diamond up in order to keep the numbers as close as possible.  
     Let's guess that we have 3 from Caer Mear, and 9 from Hidden Mountain.
     So, we'd probably put HM with Nott. Coill, Windmaster's with SStone, 
     Black Diamond w/ SStone, and end up shuffling everybody else to keep 
     numbers close.
     Heck With That!
     Put Nott Coill on One Side, SStone on the other, and then ...let's 
     see, we have four other groups represented.  Let's put four SStone 
     tokens and four (count 'em) Nott. Coill tokens in a bag and let the 
     leader (if there is one, or a neutral party if there isn't a leader 
     available) stick his hand in and pull out a token!
     Let's see...if the gods favor Nott. Coill, SStone will end up 
     facing...let's see...a MAXIMUM of half again its number.  If the gods 
     favor SStone, well, Nottinghill Coill gets a lot of practice in how to 
     die well.  (74 to 30)  But even those numbers aren't so obscene that 
     we can't have fun!  If the numbers favor one side or the other 
     heavily, make most of the battles resurrection and give the lower side 
     as many resurrections as it would take to match numbers with the upper 
     side.  In this case, Nott. Coill would get one (1) resurrection per 
     person, and SStone & Co. get none.  That's still a numbers advantage 
     of 14 for SStone, but if you wanted to get anal, give Nott. Coill 14 
     more resurrections, either for them to parcel out as they see fit, or 
     just make the first 14 people that come back to resurrection point, 
     and (I guess) trust them (or enforce it, if somebody gripes) not to 
     load up those 14 resurrections with their elite.
     (of course, given what we saw @ Fools War, you don't NEED to load them 
     up if you time things right.  But that's another story.)
     For the next war, DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.  Tokens...bags...Randomness.  
     How's that for fair, non-political fun?
     Hell, let's do that @ Pennsic!  
     Your Majesty?  Any comment?
     Jonathan Blackbow

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