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Re: Does this mean anything?

> Oooops. I didn't mean to print my response to the whole list, but since 
> I did, I'll print my clarification here, too. 
> Stolz is not pronounced "stoltz" as I previously stated. It's 
> actually pronounced closer to "schtoltz" -- I forgot the part where 
> most people here are not familiar with the s=sch before another 
> consonant thing... (and before vowels, it's gonna sound more like 
> an American "z" -- itnt that kewl?) 
> Apologies for my anal-retentiveness... 
> branwynn 

Actually, I dearly love a good discussion of language and pronunciation and 
all that!

I've often felt that one of the best ways one can cheaply build up their 
persona experience within the SCA is to learn a few pithy and/or useful 
phrases in the language of their persona's choice.  When I taught a schticking 
it up in Welsh class at Collegium Borealis last year, I gave the class a 
handout with all sorts of phrases (and pronunciations) from "I love you" to 
"Hi y'all" to "Euwww, you're English!!!" :-)

I have a similar list for German ....  :-)  Only the last one is usually  
"Euwww, you're French!"

With tongue firmly in cheek, but with list actually in hand,

<ducking and running .... >

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