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Re: Does this mean anything?
> I'm trying to determine if the world 'Stoltz' is:
> 1) a real word?
> 2) does it mean anything?
> I can only presume it's of German extraction.
> The context the word is being used in is 'Stoltzwind'.
> Thank you,
> Michael Limner, esq.
Good Michael,
Stoltz is indeed German, and means pride, haughtiness, and suchlike.
It has a figurative connotation of something that is majestic. When paired
with wind, (which in German means "wind" <g>) one might conjecture that it
means something like a great, powerful force or storm that sweeps all before
it. Sort of like German Mongols? :-)
What can I say? I'm a hopelessly poetic militarist! :-)
and I refuse, even as a herald, to take a single step down the road to
silliness that is indicated by trying to translate this as a haughty wind ....
I leave that sort of humor to my lord .... :-)
(who sometimes moonlights as Margarethe .... )
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