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Re: Does this mean anything?

On Fri, 10 May 1996, Michael Surbrook wrote:

> I'm trying to determine if the world 'Stoltz' is:
> 1) a real word?

Yes--it is a variation of the German word 'stolz', which means 'proud'.
 (egads, I sound like a prof I used to know back in the Midrealm *grin*)

> 2) does it mean anything?

See above. :)


Camille R. Klein   					    cek@interpath.net
Interpath Tech Support					       1-800-890-6305
Account Info: email info@interpath.net			       1-919-890-6305
   "I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it 
	 comes from within. It is there all the time." -- Anna Freud
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