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RE: Heraldry Question

James of Westmorland did write:

>In a device that I am planning on 
>submitting the charges are on a red and blue field divided down the 
>middle, I believe the blazon would probably be "Per pale gules and 
>  -- snip --
>Anyway, a friend of mine who claims to have heraldic knowledge 
>says that this is an illegal device and would not pass as it is color on 
>color.  However, I disagree.

You are correct.  The "per pale" division is a treatment of the field, and
the tinctures on this background may touch, but one is not placed on
another (in computer geek terms, they are both on the same (lowest)
graphical level). Therefore you may have a device that is 1/2 blue (azure)
and 1/2 red (gules).

However, whatever you place ON the field must follow the Rules of Tincture
as your friend states.  If you use an Ordinary (a Chief, a Pale, etc) or an
heraldic charge (an eagle, a lion, a sword) on the field, it must be a
metal or a contrasting fur (such as ermine).

Hope this helps!

- Phillip
Former Baronial herald for Caer Mear, Storvik, and Dun Carraig - still
butting in.
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