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Re: Names

> Thank you all soooo much for you assistance in naming my 
> children. (pleasant smile, with teeth), but we have already made 
> out choices. 
>  A boy will be Ash-- to go well with Rowan (our daughters name), All 
> Army of Darkness jokes have already been made and we will not consider 
> the name Martin (to go with Rowan) under any circomstance. 
> A girl will be named Rebecca-- just because. 
>        Miriam-- at 17 days and hoping against hope that it will be 
> Babes in Arms by Joust. 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
And lovely choices they are, too!  May your wishes come true!

The other Miriam

Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai
The non-pregnant Miriam
akaThe Intriguing Miriam

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