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>From dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com Wed May 22 08:19:51 1996
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Date: Wed, 22 May 96 07:57:04 EST
From: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>
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To: atlantia
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Subject: Miriam at 19 days
There's a song waiting to be (re)written here...
"The Nineteen Days Before Delivery" [formerly known as "The Twelve
Days of Christmas, or, for the Tom Lehrer fans out there, "The Twelve
Days After Christmas."]
[to the tune of "Twelve Days", of course]
On the Nineteenth Day Pre-Birthing
Did Miriam say to us,
"Oi didna WANT to cause a muss 'n fuss."
On the Eighteenth Day Pre-Birthing
as we were prepping gauze,
Miriam grabbed her husband,
snarling, "I'm in pain, go get me Haagen-Daaz!"
On Day Seventeen Pre-Birthing
[someone else write this verse! Sheesh!]
On the Sixteenth Day Pre-Birthing
[this one too...I'm saving up for Day Five (the next one, of course)]
On the Fifteenth Day Pre-Birthing
the s**t did hit the fan;
Miri hit the roof
We did too
The baby went on strike
And demanded better pay and working hours!
[Hey, if you'd just had false labor pains [or even thought about them]
you probably wouldn't care if it rhymed or not...at least the meter
isn't too bad...]
[skipping the intervening verses to save everybody]
On the Eighth Day Pre-Birthing
The kid could wait no more;
Miri felt the kid kick
Miri knew she'd been sick
Miri's husband passed out
Miri shrieked "You great lout!"
All lost track of time and
Noticed not the lack of rhyme and
Ran around in circles
Ambulance arriving
Mir & kid departing
Six geese a-laying [the next line is for "five"]
[how'd that get in?][yes, that line was meant to be sung]
Hospital bills
Up all night
No-o rest at all
And soon enough we'll do it all again!
Hoping you found it amusing,
J. Blackbow
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Subject: Miriam at 19 days
Author: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com> at INTERNET
Date: 5/20/96 9:07 AM
>Miriam--19 days and counting--give or
Miriam -
If you deliver at Emerald Joust, you will NOT fulfill my goal of an *
unexciting* event. (Autocrats hate "exciting" events!)
However, I want to go on record here to state that IF you make Emerald *
exciting*, not only will you owe me three days of peace and quiet, but I
expect the baby to be named either 'Emerald' or 'Terry', depending on sex.
- Anarra Karlsdottir
(Terry L. Neill)
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Posted-Date: Mon, 20 May 96 9:07:47 PDT
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From: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>
Subject: Miriam at 19 days
To: Atlantia List <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
Date: Mon, 20 May 96 9:07:47 PDT
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