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Re: Emerald Schedule and Directions

> I haven't got Web access, so I hadn't thought of it.  It's a good idea.  Can
> you help me implement it this late?

ask and you shall receive...

there's a copy of the schedule, directions, site rules, etc on the clan 
baldwin encampment web page (yes, i'm a geek with WAY too much time on my 

for the schedule, use


for the site rules, use


and for directions, use


anarra, if you need to make changes to any of these files please feel 
free to email me at lisa@trinet.com and we'll work that out!

						in service, and ALMOST
						finished with the new
						garb for this weekend,


lisa lorenzin                          april is the cruelest month, breeding
lisa@trinet.com                        lilacs from the dead land, mixing
http://www.privnet.com/lisa            memory and desire...   - t. s. eliot

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