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RE: Personality test
Hello everyone,
I had time to kill yesterday, so I did a basic check of the
different possibilities as answers on the personality test and
came up with some interresting answers and a definite pattern.
Now I'm unsure as to how to classify the 4 different answers so
someone might want to lable them. Also there are 192(as I
see it) possible patterns for answers. I went under the premise
that using the 4 numbers there are only 24 different patterns
without using the same number twice. Here are my findings;
I will list the numbers #-#-#-# the first number being the first
answer level 1-4, the second being the second... As it turns
out, the only numbers that mattered were where the 1 and 2
landed, the 3 and 4 were inconsequential so I will put an * in
their place. This left only 12 possible answers.
1-2-3-4 TITLE
1) 1-2-*-* Doctor
2) 1-*-2-* Scientist
3) 1-*-*-2 Engineer-Builder
4) 2-1-*-* Shepherd
5) 2-*-1-* Bishop
6) 2-*-*-1 Merchant
7) *-1-2-* Dreamer-Minstrel
8) *-1-*-2 White Knight
9) *-2-1-* Belevolent Ruler
10) *-2-*-1 Black Knight
11) *-*-1-2 Discoverer
12) *-*-2-1 Prime Minister
I also tried to mix the numbers up in various patterns so that they
all came out even in the end, I always ended up with Shepherd.
I also noticed that no matter what you were, you always had a
place in our "Corporate Kingdoms". I will post all the discriptions
later, for your entertainment.
Did anyone come up with a different answer than those I've listed?
If someone can classify the 4 different choices, this might shed some
light on the answers. If anyone want's to check out the other ~160
possibilities, be my guest. I hope this helps everyone. I remain,
Sean MacKay
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