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Re: Personality test
Well, that was quite an interesting experience. I was diagnosed as a Shepherd!
Your distinct personality, The Shepherd is to tend to your human flock.
You understand the needs of those for whom you are responsible. Shepherds
are vigilant and reliable. You realize your obligation and commitment to the
well being of those entrusted to your care. Shepherds are very dependable.
You engender a feeling of comfort and stability to those within your charge.
On the positive side, Shepherds can be empathic, caring, understanding,
practical and realistic. On the negative side, you may be manipulative,
close-minded and sentimentally rigid. Interestingly, your preference is just as
applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
I hope that only the positive aspects come out :-)
In Service to the Barony of
Black Diamond,
Atlantia and the Dream,
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