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Re: A tree blasted

> Since I joined the SCA in Myrkwoode, I thought I might shed some light.  
> My earliest recollection of the confines of Myrckwode is that it 
> encompassed all of Maryland that wasn't Storvik (DC Metro and Southern 
> MD).

Although it was far before my time, Isenfir was formed ~21 years ago
as a canton of Myrkwud. When I was up in Bikhail a year ago the dance
band was from all over, but we decided that we could call ourselves
the Greater Mirkwoud Dance Band because Bikhail was originally part of
Murkwood. But it's all legend among us young whippersnappers; the only
Isenfiri living in Isenfir from that time is THL Landi.

Gregory Blount
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