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RE: A tree blasted

>> Perhaps "signify" is not the correct word.  Let me put it another way.
>> I know that neither piece of armory is the arms of its Barony, because
>> neither includes a laurel wreath.  Could the Lochmere one be, say, a
>> badge that any denizen might wear in civic pride?  Or is it, perhaps,   
>> signal honor bestowed on the best artisans?  Or the best woodsmen?
>> Perhaps it has been registered but never used for anything.  I am so
>> new to this Kingdom that I have no idea.

>The arms of the original barony (sorry, I'm all spelled out), either
>predated the rule about laurel wreaths in group arms or, was described   
>black (on black, also no longer allowed), I forget which.


The Arms of the Barony did indeed predate the Laurel Wreaths addition to   
group arms. The arms (as so many other things Myrkwoodish did) remained   
the same under the Grandfather Clause. At one point the denizens of   
Miirkwood got tired of the self-appointed Arms Police asking for their   
Laurel Wreath. So they invented the idea that "Of Course we have a Laurel   
Wreath! It is Sable on the Sable Chief."

The folks from Merkwud were always a little anti-authoritarian.

Of course, many of the folks from MwerkWode went on to become the   

Test: How many Kings came out of MirkW33ud?

Captain of MuurkWuud Mercenaries
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