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Re: A tree blasted

On Wed, 22 May 1996 CHalstead@aol.com wrote:

> Well, I can answer one question.
> The Barony of Mirkwoode* is a no-longer-in-existence group of the Kingdom of
> Atlantia.  At one time, it comprised everything on the Eastern Seaboard
> Baltimore and south (a *very* long time ago, before Atlantia rose from the
> waves) that later was reduced to a chunk of Maryland, due to the natural
> progress of group creation.  Most of that chunk of Maryland is now the Barony
> of Lochmere, also in the Kingdom of Atlantia.  My understanding, which may
> well be somewhat incorrect, is that Lochmere inherited the armory when
> Mrkwood was declared a defunct group.
> Master Vuong Manh can explain the heraldry well; I believe he helped design
> it.  The existence of this armory is one reason why, in a Kingdom full of sea
> imagery, the newsletter is entitled the Acorn.
No, it was in existence when I joined the Society -- I believe Mistress
Sita of Oudh designed it.  It is, as you go on to say, the source of our
Newsletter's name -- I took over the Baronial newsletter and expanded the
mailing list to cover the East Kingdom, and then went on to run the
Principality newsletter.

For those who are puzzled, Mjrcwuud's name was challenged because it is a
place name in Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and was allowed only
on condition that it not be spelled the way Tolkien did.  So the Barony
established the custom of spelling it in every _other_ possible way.

|---------Master Vuong Manh, C.P., Storvik, Atlantia---------|
|Now, let's stop and think: how would Bugs Bunny handle this?|

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