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Re: A tree blasted

Well, I can answer one question.

The Barony of Mirkwoode* is a no-longer-in-existence group of the Kingdom of
Atlantia.  At one time, it comprised everything on the Eastern Seaboard
Baltimore and south (a *very* long time ago, before Atlantia rose from the
waves) that later was reduced to a chunk of Maryland, due to the natural
progress of group creation.  Most of that chunk of Maryland is now the Barony
of Lochmere, also in the Kingdom of Atlantia.  My understanding, which may
well be somewhat incorrect, is that Lochmere inherited the armory when
Mrkwood was declared a defunct group.

Master Vuong Manh can explain the heraldry well; I believe he helped design
it.  The existence of this armory is one reason why, in a Kingdom full of sea
imagery, the newsletter is entitled the Acorn.

Yours in service,

Baroness Caitlyn o Duirnin of Ponte Alto

*FYI, when the name Mirkwud was grandfathered in to the College of Arms, a
convention was established that it never be spelled the same way twice in one
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