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Re: Euwww, English Again! :-)

Quoth Miriam Rachael:

> I think it must have been raiding parties on both sides- 'ave you noticed 'ow 
> many vowels Cockney English 'as?  An' it does seem to be lackin' in consonants 
> at times...per'aps they left 'em in Wales as a trade?

Well, in truth, Cockney English has no more vowels than any other form of 
the language.  It is missing some consonants, though, which might account 
for the appearance of more vowels!

> > (In the cold dry technical sense, of course, Tibor is right - there 
> > are vowels in Welsh which don't look like it to the rest of us - W, 
> > for example)  
> Well, one has to make some things do double-duty in times of shortage!  
> They've been under vowel-rationing restrictions for so long, you know....

Actually, I s'pect it's just a plot to confuse the non Welsh speakers.  :)
There probably isn't really a vowel shortage at all.  It just seemed like
a good way to annoy those Romans with their stupid alphabet, and by the
time Romans were gone everyone was used to it .... 

Stephanie M. Thorson			*  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
University of St Andrews		*  
St Andrews, Scotland			*  Clan White Wing
email smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk		*  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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