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Character of the Rose

"Bishop" Jean of TurtleHaven scripsit:

> I know that we be a closed-knit group, but we have a magical window 
> into other worlds and sometimes those worlds offer humor.  I am new to 
> the Merry Rose, admittedly, and have neither yet made the rounds of 
> the room nor become familiar with the faces herein.  Pray, tell me, 
> what be the character of the place? 
>                                         Jean of TurtleHaven 
>                                              "The Bishop" 
>                                           Barony of Black Diamond 

Well, new-come friend, let us see if we cannot describe for you the character 
of our beloved hang-out, The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside.

First, the surroundings.  We weren't sure whether we wanted a market, or a 
tavern; so we chose both.  Merry Rose sidles into a nautical theme, from Henry 
VIII's ill-fated ship; we are in Atlantia, so nautical was a Good Thing(tm)!  
But it also speaks of the merriment we very often share amongst ourselves, 
being "right merry" in one another's company. So on any given day, some of us 
might be in here in the taproom, or one of the many private dining chambers, 
or sitting about the fire talking and singing ....  Or we might be outside, 
stolling among the merchants, passing pleasant talk with our neighbors and 
speaking of news from all over our fair kingdom.  

What news of other places?  Was not the fighting chivalrous and exciting at 
last week's gathering?  Will you be travelling hence for some jolly event?  
Didst hear of Lady So-And-So's award of service, Lord Whoever's new project?  
How fares the Crowned heads, for all is well if all is right with them .... 
Loving humor, compassionate sharing of what's afoot in our lives; where to 
find information to make whatever, and the sharing of benefits of scholarship 
... and yes, the occasional sparking, high-tempered debate on things that 
matter dearly to us--these are the things we share, in the Tavern, in the 
Market, and over the air of the list!

I have always found this to be a safe haven, where I hear of and share in the 
doings both of friends I know well, and friends I have never met--but hope to 
meet someday.  That is why we have Merry Rose Gatherings whenever we can--to 
widen the circle of friendship by adding a face to those strange, glowing 
words that hover so in space! :-)  I like it here--I like the people--and in 
the relatively short time that we have been together here, I have learned so 
much--and been touched in so many wonderful ways.  I save a lot of what I read 
here! :-)

Anyone else have an opinion? <she says, knowing full well we ALL do ....> :-)


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