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Re: Euwww, English Again! :-)
Quoth Miriam E.:
> What is this fixation with the need for Vowels? Have any of you tried
> to read Hebrew lately?
Actually, yes! I'm currently studying it again.
>Vowels exist, but are optional and rarely used for formal writing. You figure
>out which word it is by context in many cases.
I always find that part to be a fun game!
>You impatient folk have to have things 'spelled out' for you don't you. If
>you had the patience to truely study wisdom and writing...
Well, you know how it is....when I end up in a stable country that won't
decide to expel their local Jews...this diaspora just wreaks havok on your
spare reading time! I believe you said you are in...France? Is that still a
safe country? I may have to emigrate...you never know just what the English
will decide to do, and always staying on the trade routes is so tiresome and
Miriam R.
Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai
The non-pregnant Miriam
akaThe Intriguing Miriam
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