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Am I in the right place?
Greetings, noble gentles, lords and ladies all!
I am new to this list, subscribing on behalf of our fair and tiny kingdom
outside the Known World of SCA. On behalf of the folk of the Kingdom of
Alairia, greetings!
Is it as it seems, that I have wandered into a tavern called the Merry
Rose? If so, I shall find myself in great comfort, I often frequent the
taverns of Alairia. (Until you've lifted a pint at the Saucy Wench,
you;re still a virgin!)
>From time to time, I should like to post questions and replies to this
list, if outsiders are permitted...what are your customs? I should say
that many of us are former SCA, who left for various reasons, none of
which, to my knowledge, involved anger with the people or the
Be unsurprised to see more than one name signing from this e-mail
account--I tend to write in whatever persona is appropriate to the topic
at hand, and I have several!
Until I hear from you that the Merry Rose is open to all, I remain,
Your humble servant,
Will O'Bryan, Echevin of Cheswick
Until your reply, I remain,
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