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As one who missed Emerald Joust, I heartily thank Sean Mackay
for relating your experiences there.  I found your account to
be very evocative.  I sincerely hope that you will not be
dissuaded from such postings by this bizarre response to it.

I notice that you say that you had several roasted marshmallows.
Now, I have seen definitions such as this from the Webster Gateway

marsh.mal.low \'ma:rsh-.mel-o-, -.mel-*(-w), -.mal-\ n
    1: a pink-flowered European perennial herb (Althaea officinalis) of the
    mallow family that is naturalized in the eastern U.S. and has a
    mucilaginous root sometimes used in confectionery and in medicine
    2a: a sweetened pasty confection made from the root of the marshmallow
    2b: a confection made from corn syrup, sugar, albumen, and gelatin
    beaten to a light creamy consistency

But in all my life I have only experience marshmallow definition 2b.
(I have never eaten marshmallows at an event, but if I ever do, I
think that I will be eating artificial ones while my persona is
eating natural ones (just as my cotton garb have linen personas)).
I would disappointed but not surprised to hear that the marshmallows
you had at Emerald Joust and throughout your life were also such
artificial marshmallows, but I hold out hope that maybe they were
actually 2a.  If so, please tell us:

  How do real marshmallows compare to the artificial ones?
  Did artificial marshmallows exist in the period?
  Do you know anyone who grows marshmallow?
  Did you ever notice that Boyer Mallo Cups look like
  Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?


-- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
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