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Emerald Joust, Afterwards

edh@ascc01.ascc.att.com (Alfredo el Bufon) wrote:

>As one who missed Emerald Joust, I heartily thank Sean Mackay
>for relating your experiences there.

I unsubscribed from the Atlantia List during Emerald Joust to save my mail
box from being overwhelmed.  So I missed Sean's description.  Can someone
please forward it to me?  I'd appreciate it.

There were over 750 people in attendance.  I haven't finished counting yet.

Everything went well.  Lord John the Ranger has told me that the site looks
really good (if soggy), all the garbage was picked up, and we owe no damages
this year.  (Last year damage to the list field by cars driving on it and
creating a mud hole cost Caer Mear >200 dollars.)

There are three boxes of lost and found in my car.  If no one claims it soon,
I can start my own Pennsic War Band!  ;)

Many people told me they had tons of fun despite the weather.  The history
display was AWESOME in the original meaning of the word.  Many Vivats to
Mistress Judith and Mistress Elizabeth for putting it together!!

And many thanks to everyone who helped at the event!  THANK YOU!

        - Anarra, Autocrat
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