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Re: Emerald Joust, Afterwards

Anarra, and those other gentles who went to Emerald,

First off, my undying thanks to everyone (ESPECIALLY Anarra, who deserves
major kudos for pulling this one off) who contributed to making Emerald
the incredibly fun and wonderful event it was (despite Mother Nature's
attempts to mire us in the muck). 

Secondly, on the subject of lost & found - one of my sisters (Sharon) 
lost a "Funsaver" disposable camera at Emerald.  You know, one of those 
little cardboard boxes that you turn the whole thing in to get 
developed?  The pictures in the camera, both the ones from Emerald and 
particularly from Alison's graduation, are priceless and irreplaceable.  
If anyone has any idea of the whereabouts of this camera - if anyone 
found it in their camp or the hall or the mud or their gear - PLEASE 
contact me and I will pay all postage to get it returned to her...

					in service,


lisa lorenzin				http://www.privnet.com/lisa/
lisa@trinet.com				many waters cannot quench love...

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