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Contacts from Emerald

Good Gentles,

  On Saturday in the rapier tourney one of the scholars was a man
named Karol, whose last name was Rus or Slavic but I never caught.
I'm trying to get ahold of him;  if anybody can supply me with an
email or postal address I'd be very appreciative.

  Rapier at Emerald was excellent, and the heavies looked to be
having a good time;  feast was delicious, the bardic at Windmaster's
was good, the Merry Rose was a nice bunch to have in our camp
(although they didn't eat many brownies) though I wasn't around
for much of the campfire...  Wish I could have stayed for Sunday
and Monday.

Giovan Donato Falconieri
Kappellenberg, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
Omnes Contigit Felicibus Armis - Latos Fines Extremae Terrae
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