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Re: Heraldry Submissions

And Scott (who would be s/k/a James) wrote:
> ...for name and device submissions together the cost is $15.


> I've also been told that I need different submission forms for each (i.e. 
> I cannot submit the two on the same sheet.)

Sort of correct. Even if you already had a registered name and were 
submitting just armory, you need a cover sheet and a picture sheet.

> Next, I've been told that I 
> must submit 2 color drawings and 3 line drawings of my device.

No, you need 3 color drawings and 1 black&white outline.

> Alright, here's my question: What needs to be on the line drawing? 
> Currently I only have my device on it without any color.  Do I need to 
> somehow mark  off the colors on the device and if so how?

The line drawing is a black on white outline. (Pencil is not black.
Photocopier toner, OTOH, *is* black.) Please do *not* mark off the 
colors; that's what the blazon and the color emblazons (pictures) are for.

Evan da Collaureo, Kraken Herald, Triton/GoldenDolphin Staff
(among too many other hats)

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