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Re[2]: Marshmallows
As to a name, Good Gentles, I should rather be thought Merry than a thorn (No
offense, My Lord!)...although I suppose one might might say that a thorn does
stand in noble defense of the delicate rose. Yet would the Merry Rose
denizens by any other name smell as sweet? Hmmm....well, back to the taps for
a fresh round...any one else for a refill?
Miriam R.
[No thanks, Miriam, I'm still working on my hemlock.]
[Ok, we've got quite a few positive votes and one lone voice of dissent, but I
can't even call what Miriam said dissent, but basically just temporizing about
being called a thorn.]
[All right, Miriam...if we can't call you a Merry Thorn, what shall we call
you? A Merry Leaf or a Merry Petal?]
bemused by the life this thread has taken on,
J. Blackbow
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