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Re: Re[2]: Marshmallows

On Thu, 30 May 1996, Heather Swann wrote:

> > As to a name, Good Gentles, I should rather be thought Merry than a 
> > thorn (No offense, My Lord!)...although I suppose one might might say 
> > that a thorn does stand in noble defense of the delicate rose.  Yet 
> > would the Merry Rose denizens by any other name smell as sweet?  

[Ducking] Don't know about you, but I ALWAYS come out smelling like a rose.

> > [Ok, we've got quite a few positive votes and one lone voice of 
> > dissent, but I can't even call what Miriam said dissent, but 
> > basically just temporizing about being called a thorn.] 
> >  
> > [All right, Miriam...if we can't call you a Merry Thorn, what shall 
> > we call you?  A Merry Leaf or a Merry Petal?] 
> >  
> Prithee, mayhap a Merry Lady?  A Merry Blossom? (If you wish a plant 
> reference, as the other possibilities stem from that...although who knows what 
> we shall find at the root...?)

Roses also have hips...  [I'm so glad that door hadn't been replaced yet!]

   Alys of Foxdale      |   Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@widomaker.com   |       argent, a fox passant gules.
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