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Dance Track

I am organizing a track of Dances:

1: "Y-y-y-ou want me to D-d-d-dance?"  Intro to SCA Dancing (1 hour)
		Taught by:  TBA**           
	Description:  Course will familiarize students with basic forms of 	
		Medieval/SCA dance, and teach several dances commonly 
		seen at events   

2: "Moving On":  Intermediate bransles and easy Country Dances (1 hour)
		Taught by: Aislynn Fyrlocc                               
	Description:  Course will build on information provided in first 	
			class, but the first class is not required.  Dances 	
			taught will be more complex bransles (Bransle d' 	
			Charlotte) and beginning Country Dances  
3: "But Galliards are FUN!":  Intro to Galliards (one hour)
		Taught by:  Gregory Blount
	Description:  Class will teach the history and basics of Galliards.  	
		Some dance experience needed **knee note: lots of 	

5: "Those silly Italians":  Intro to Italian dance (one Hour)
		Taught by: Aislynn Fyrlocc
	Description:  A basic introduction to Italian dances.  Step and style 
			will be taught along with one, possibly two dances

6:  Hey, what?:  An introduction to different Hay styles found in English 
Country Dances. (one Hour)  
		Taught by:  Lord Antoine                                

I am also teaching a class called "Understanding historical Sources"

	Description: In the class I will provide a very general overview of 	
		what to look for when you're looking at sources, and what 	
		they can and cannot tell you about the topic you are 		
		researching.  Research topics touched on will be largely in 	
		Material Culture, (Costumes, Hair, Jewellery, and other 	
		"objects"), but other areas (processes) will be touched on.
Hope this helps.
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